July 4th Celebrations and Your Pet: What You Need to Know

The Fourth of July is a time of celebration, but for our furry friends, it can be a source of fear and anxiety. Loud noises from fireworks, unfamiliar crowds, and other festivities can trigger stress in pets that can lead to health issues, accidents, and even running away.

At Green Leaf Pet Resort, we want to make sure your pet stays safe during this holiday. Here are some tips on how you can prepare for the Fourth of July and keep your pet calm during the celebrations:

  1. Create a safe space – Designate an area in your home where your pet will feel secure. Make sure it’s away from windows or doors that could be opened by loud noises or unfamiliar people. Consider using calming products that are vet approved to help reduce their anxiety.

  2. Update ID tags – Make sure your pet’s ID tag is up-to-date with the most recent contact information so they can easily be returned if they get lost during the festivities.

  3. Keep them indoors – Pets should stay inside during the Fourth of July celebrations as much as possible. If you do take them outside, keep them on a leash at all times and make sure they have plenty of water to stay hydrated in the summer heat.

  4. Avoid human food – Many holiday foods are unhealthy for pets and can cause digestive problems or even poisoning if ingested in large quantities. Keep an eye on what your pet is eating and make sure they don’t get into any food meant for humans only!

  5. Don’t use fireworks around pets – Exposure to lit fireworks can potentially result in severe burns and/or trauma to the face and paws of curious pets, even when used far away from them! It’s best to leave fireworks displays to professionals who know how to handle them safely.

At Green Leaf Pet Resort, we understand how important it is for you to keep your pet safe during this holiday season! We are here if you need advice or support on how best to protect your furry friend from potential danger this Fourth of July!

Why Dog Bite Prevention Matters and What You Can Do

April is National Dog Bite Prevention Week, a time to raise awareness about the importance of preventing dog bites. Every year, millions of people are bitten by dogs, with children being the most common victims. Dog bites can cause serious physical and emotional harm, so it’s important to take steps to prevent them.

Be considerate in your approach.
When approaching a dog, it’s important to be aware of their body language and respect their space. Never approach a dog head-on or from above its head. Dogs may become uncomfortable or scared if they feel threatened or cornered. If you are unsure how a dog will react, ask the owner for permission before petting them. When interacting with a dog, always move slowly and calmly. Avoid making sudden movements or loud noises that could startle them.

Teach children early.
It is important to teach children how to interact safely with dogs. Encourage them to ask an adult before petting any unfamiliar dogs and remind them never to approach a strange dog without supervision. Children should also be taught not to tease or pull on a dog’s tail or ears as this can lead to aggressive behavior from the animal.

Seek guidance from an expert.
At Green Leaf Pet Resort, we understand the importance of keeping your pet safe and happy in our care. Our team is trained in canine safety protocols and we provide plenty of opportunities for socialization with other pets in our facility. We offer obedience classes that can help you learn how to properly handle your pet and prevent aggressive behavior from developing in the first place.

National Dog Bite Prevention Month is an important reminder that we all have a responsibility when it comes to keeping our furry friends safe from harm. By following these simple tips and taking advantage of resources like Green Leaf Pet Resort, you can help ensure that everyone has a pleasant experience when interacting with dogs!

Lure Course at Green Leaf

Ready, set, run! We’re excited to announce that our brand new LURE COURSE is open! If your dog frequently gets the zoomies, loves to romp around, or chase leaves – they will be ecstatic to learn that we now offer Lure Coursing! One of the fastest-growing canine sports, the Lure Course is a unique activity that stimulates a canine’s chase instinct. If you attended our Canine Carnival in June, then you may have had the opportunity to try this fantastic service! By popular demand, we’ve decided to make it a full-time service. Everyone can now try their paw at Green Leaf Pet Resort.

What is a lure course, exactly? A lure machine uses a pulley system to run a white, artificial lure along a line – simulating a small animal running across the ground – activating your pup’s prey drive. The track can be arranged in numerous patterns to increase the difficulty and simulate the unpredictability of a real hunt. Starting back in the 1970s, this sport was originally designed for sighthounds who, unlike most breeds, hunt using their eyes rather than their noses. While breeds such as greyhounds and whippets have an advantage, the sport has since opened up to all breeds. Dogs can run full tilt in a safe and enclosed environment.

This activity engages both your dog’s body and mind, making it an all-encompassing form of exercise. By provoking their hunting instincts, the participant is driven to follow the “prey” while it zigs and zags across the field. In the endeavor to catch their prize prey, more strength and endurance is used than in many other forms of exercise, increasing their stamina in the process. Little else matches the feeling of satisfaction when the lure is caught and the chase is done. The lure course takes your fur babies’ zoomies and gives them a purpose. High-energy pups will especially love this fast-paced activity that is sure to tucker them out.

While the physical benefits are clear, there are mental benefits as well! By engaging the instinct to chase, the lure course can improve a pooch’s ability to focus. This sport builds confidence in your furry friend. As a great form of enrichment, this rewarding run releases endorphins, and dopamine, leaving your dog happy and content (all while creating a stronger bond between you and your pup)! The Lure Course is such a thrilling activity that achieves much of what we, at Green Leaf, look for in an activity for our dogs. Adding this new all-encompassing form of enrichment as a service to share with our guests was a no-brainer. Ask a member of our concierge team how to get started with your pup’s evaluation today!